Do not compare your children with others

Kids whose conversation and the thought seem out of this world, yet we enforce our thought on to them and make them as we want and think what’s best for them.

When these kids grown up, they behave differently, those who we grew up playing together they depart from each other.

We could never understand what went wrong, but we are the culprit to separate them from their own thought process. We never tried to understand their ability, but quick to judge them with other and create a comparison between other kids, This is not creating the improvement in our children but are unknowingly creating at great wall within them.

We unknowingly put such wrong thoughts in them that they grow up with jealousy. Unknowingly, we ended up dividing our own family.

We should recognize our kids abilities and should strive to bring them out and encourage them to follow their dreams.Refrain from pushing other abilities on to them, specially within sibling. Do not mistake comparison as encouragement

Help them to find what they have best in them, encourage them to thrive. Help them with their development towards getting better. They will be self-motivated and sky will the limit for them.

If they are happy they will spread happiness.

4 Replies to “Do not compare your children with others”

      1. Agree with the author’s remarks. Many times unknowingly parents and elders/well wishers do comparisons between friends and siblings. We need to be cautiously providing feedback to kids. I personally feel instead of criticizing we need to encourage their efforts and motivate them to do little better next time. Small steps will make them reach destination.

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