Good Morning Message Do Your Best As You Can

We go through a lot of pressure throughout the lifetime. When we are depressed, we started to feel bad and also undermining our capabilities. We continue on doing our either daily chores or job duties, but without any interest just keep going. We are not able to understand but we know that work is not properly done even after so much of effort is put in. We are filled with negative thoughts and attitude towards things that we are doing but unable to figure out why.

At this point we cannot see clear picture and start doubting ourselves. We keep questioning ourselves that I’m doing everything, I’m putting in the effort, still I do not find happiness. We are at that stage where we cannot go past thinking anything negative or demeaning ourselves.

Only if you can find the mistakes then you can correct them. This will further help you sort out things that you are struggling in your life by finding the ways to happiness. In the beginning it seems hard But when you decide to take control and are persistent to work towards getting your life back everything will get easier. So go on find out what is holding you back take control of your own life and welcomed the new you.

Good Morning Message How Old Age Become So Lonely

Parent always looks after their children. They are constantly working with them and encouraging   them in many ways to teach them good manner throughout the whole life. They do all this without any expectation. So, when situations are unfavorable to them, these practical nurtures will awake them, and they will be able to overcome the obstacles. This will be constant battle they may face through their whole life. This is so that kids can take care for their health. Mother always watch and feed healthy food to kids, until they can take care of themselves and their own health. Parent could only help their children until they are independent as kid grow up.

Children are like birds; they are under care until their lifestyle changes, and they take control of their own action and decisions. Later, when they get married and have children of their own, they become busy in their own family and work. They are not able to spare much time for their own parents. On other hand, as parents are getting old, they have health problems due to old age. They also need someone to take care of them or talk to them as they feel so lonely in old age. Almost all parents keep all their children’s stuff with them for memories, So, when they feel lonely it will console them with their children’s childhood memories. It will take parents down the memory lane as they go through those items. Parents will talk of lovely times, like, this was my son’s favorite toy he wouldn’t sleep without it. They feel their house being empty for some time and they just want to hear from their kid’s voice. When they call the kids, they’ll tell them “I am at work I will call you back”, parents cannot express their feeling front of you, but they miss you and will continue to encourage you. They’ll tell you to just do your work first and whenever you have time just call back. We don’t understand older parents’ feelings at their age, they absolutely need their child with them. We never try hard to be around our parents, but we always strive hard for our kids. We never think of our parents who are now have needs like kids. We must spare time for them. Think of your parents and take care of them, they love you a lot. Life will be more beautiful with your parent

Good Morning Message Be Strong In Your Life

There are many problems we come across in life, sometimes at home, or at job, or even with children. Some may have health issues and it becomes worst at times. We may get disappointed, and the hope of living life also abandons.Everyone goes through ups and downs in lifetime, no one can always remain happy. we may feel sad for some time and keep fighting with such thoughts in many ways. We even think that, when will these troubles end. But the troubles don't end there, problem is a part of life that will never go away.
We must learn to fight with our problems by finding solutions to overcome them.We should find motivation factor to fight with our troubles in order to move on. Every human being has a hidden power within them, it remains inside, until one recognized, then, that same power becomes our courage to do anything.
We must find that ability which give us more power, like surrounding ourselves with positive people, who motivate us by giving hand when we are down, it makes life whole lot easier. Don’t get caught up in negativity, live your life and bring happiness in your own life. After all it is your life, it’s in your hand how you want to live it. 

Good Morning Message Happy Makar Sankranti To Everyone

Makar Sankranti is celebrated all over India. It is celebrated differently from one state to another, and known by different names. In Gujarat it is known as Uttarayan, in Rajasthan it is called Makar Sankranti, in southern states it is known as Pongal, in Bihar it is known as Khichdi and Magh Bihu. The importance of Makar Sankranti is believed that Sun enters Uttarayan from Dakshinayan, after January 14th as the auspicious timing starts from this day onwards. It is also believed that Sun enters Capricorn to meet his son Shani. Bhishma Pitamah also used this day to sacrifice his own life.
Makar Sakranti is also celebrated with generosity by donating to needy. Donation is very important part of this day. Food items like Grains, Rice and/or Money should be donated on this day as gesture of being thankful.  Immunity weakens during winter months, But on this day when the sun comes to Uttarayan, the intensity of the sun’s rays starts to increase slightly, and our body becomes free from illness.
Sesame seed ladoo’s, a special sweet is made with Sesame seeds and Jaggery, which are known as very beneficial and having nutritious properties. Khichdi is also cooked in some parts, it is made with Dal (Lentil) and Rice, also known to have nutritious properties.
Crops are harvested and all the money comes to the farmer’s house. Celebrations are seen in different parts.  Lori is celebrated in Punjab, by cooking and eating together around bon fire. In Gujarat, it is also celebrated as Kite Festival, people fly kites with great joy and enjoy a lot.  This festival is celebrated on a large scale. In some houses, multi-grain khichda is made and it is enjoyed with curry. Khichda is hardy meal and it is importance for regain the our strength, due to cold winter months. 
People also, play many types of games in celebration. Some of the popular games are flying kites or taking part in kite festival as competitor, Or playing cricket or Gilli Danda, which is also played with a ball in some places. it is said that Lord Krishna also used to play with a ball, he used to play with a stick and a ball in his hand. So we offer ball and a stick to deity on that day.


Benefits of

ग्रीक  योगर्ट  के फायदे

Greek yogurt is most popular in these days, as it is well known, and it has many benefits for your body.Greek yogurt is made from cultured nonfat or full fat milk. It comes in different flavor’s, which are very good in taste, and it has creamy texture. Best of all its not too sweet or sour and it contains the right amount of liquid consistency.

ग्रीक योगर्ट सर्वविदित है, ये आप के शरीर के लिए काफी फायदेमंद हे ग्रीक योगर्ट सुसंस्कृत नॉनफैट या पूर्ण वसा वाले दूध से बनाया जाता है। यह अलग-अलग फ्लेवर में आता है, जो स्वाद में बहुत अच्छा होता है, और इसका टेक्सचर क्रीमी होता है। इसका स्वाद भी काफी अच्छा होता हे

Benefits of Greek yogurt 

it’s very good for your health as it gives lots of benefit to your body. We all know that yogurt is good source of natural probiotic. Hence, if you are taking antibiotics, you must consume yogurt to rebuild your immunity. It is low in carbs, which will help you in reducing the sugar intake. If you have diabetes, you can use Greek yogurt as part of your diet. It is also good source for your digestive track, taking a small cup in the morning will help in regulating your stomach. Greek yogurt is good source of protein and fiber, it helps you to reduce your weight. Greek yogurt is also good source of calcium. it also help you in  reducsing blotting problem, when you consume it in early in the morning. 

ग्रीक योगर्ट के फायदे

हम सभी जानते हैं कि दही प्राकृतिक प्रोबायोटिक का अच्छा स्रोत है। यह आपके स्वास्थ्य के लिए बहुत अच्छा है इसलिए, यदि आप एंटीबायोटिक्स ले रहे हैं, तो आपको अपनी प्रतिरोधक क्षमता के पुनर्निर्माण के लिए दही का सेवन करना चाहिए। आपके शरीर को बहुत सारे लाभ देता है।इसमें कार्ब्स कम होते है, यदि आपको मधुमेह है, तो आप अपने आहार में ग्रीक योगर्ट का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। यह आपके पाचन तंत्र के लिए भी अच्छा स्रोत है, सुबह एक छोटा कप लेने से आपको डाइजेशन में लाभ मिलेगा ग्रीक योगर्ट प्रोटीन और फाइबर का अच्छा स्रोत है, यह आपके वजन को कम करने में आपकी मदद करता है। ग्रीक योगर्ट कैल्शियम का भी अच्छा स्रोत है। ग्रीक योगर्ट का उपयोग ब्लोटिंग की समस्या को कम करने में सहायक होता है,

We can make our own yogurt at home. If you hang regular yogurt in muslin cloth and leave it hanged overnight, water from yogurt will naturally drain out.  In the morning, take down hung yogurt, and you could add different fruits of your choice. Here are the few fruits that goes well with yogurt are strawberries, banana, cherries, and blueberries. First crunch fruits in mixer and add into yogurt and mix well. Keep it in the fridge for some time and enjoy it. Also, it is good practice to stick with natural fruit sugar as adding sugar is not always good for your body.  Natural sugar from fruits is very healthy. You can add some honey if you want.

ग्रीक योगर्ट को हम घर पर भी  बना सकते हैं। अगर आप दही को मलमल के कपड़े में बांधकर रात भर लटका रहने दें रात भर में  दही का सारा पानी अपने आप निकल जाएगा। उसे कपडे से निकल कर उसमे अपनी पसंद के विभिन्न फल मिला सकते हैं। कुछ फल हैं जो दही के साथ अच्छे लगते हैं जैसे की  स्ट्रॉबेरी, केला, चेरी और ब्लूबेरी। – सबसे पहले फलों को मिक्सर जार में डालकर क्रश कर  ले फिर उसे  दही में डालकर अच्छी तरह मिक्स कर लें, इसे कुछ देर के लिए फ्रिज में रख दें और इसे  खाये ।इसमें चीनी का उपयोग न करे चीनी की जगह आप शहद डाल सकते हे 

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