Change yourself over the time

Good Morning Message

Women deserve reward for her work

हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए नीचे स्क्रॉल करे

A woman is full of wonders and she’s very powerful. Sometimes I wonder, how she can achieve many tasks at a time? May be because she carries a strong will power in every aspect of her life. It’s not easy to be a Multitasker, like a woman. It may seem an easy thing to do, but in reality, many people are unable to do so.

She’s always taking care of her kids, Home, Kitchen work, Kids classes, Kids homework and her job as well. It’s hard to handle so many things at a time. She works like robot day in day out, because everyone around her relies on her and she meets everyone’s needs. Everybody depends on her. This is not an easy task, but she needs to continue to care for them.

Women suffer from lots of physical problems throughout their lifetime. When she gives birth to a child she goes through a lot of pain and her natural body structure gets disturbed. This alone, can stress out an individual. She does not show her pain and doesn’t want to talk to anybody about her sorrows. She cries in silence but shows smile when in company of others. She continues to manage her physical health as well as her mental health. On other hand she keeps herself intact and continue her daily routine to care for others around her. She dedicates her life for her loved once and doesn’t expect anything in return.

When it comes to socializing or entertaining guest, it can become stressful for many, whereas she can manage relationships or organizing small get together with ease. Many women are working as administrator as their job duties, because they have the natural art of multitasking and they do it well.

Women can take-on more workload than a man would, because they are determined to do well as their brain and willpower be very strong. Therefore, they always win the life battles.

Women are well capable of earning money for their family. She can even take care of herself and be financial fit as well. But still, they are not treated equally in comparison with men. In some cultures, It is believed that women could not live alone freely, and are judged on perspective that she would require a others support for survival. She does need a companion, but do not necessarily need a controller in her life.

She is a warrior, because she puts all possible efforts to make her and others life better. But this should not translate, that she’s going to pick a fight, but it means she has the courage to do anything she desires. She fights through all odds to win every situation.

Many of times, she does not get rewarded or gets acknowledged. Even her loved ones do not realize how much she’s doing for them, but they take her for granted and underestimate her power’s. They don’t realize that their daily life depends on her.

All she desires to get is a little bit of appreciation, which she deserves, Instead, she receives disrespect. We should appreciate women, as they deserved a lot for what they do selflessly.

बड़ा अटूट रिश्ता है संघर्ष का और नारी का संघर्ष छोड़ता नहीं है और नारीटुट्ती नही  है आसान नहीं है इस युग में नारी बनना हर तरफ कांटे बिछे होऔर  तुम्हें उन्हें फूल में बदलना फिर भी हिम्मत तुम मे बहुत है ताकत तुममें बहुत है तुम जिस राह से गुजरोगी तो तुम फूल ही बिखेरोगी  कितना दर्द तुम सहती हो फिर भी मोन तुम रहती हो कितने राज तुमने अपने अंदर छुपाए जो अब घाव बन चुके उन घाव को भी सभी ने कुरेदा उन्हें जलाया औरउन पर नमक भी बिखेरा तुम छुप  कर कहीं रोती हो और अपने आंचल से ही अपने

आंसू पोंछ लेती हो फिर भी तुम इस संसार में मुस्कुरा कैसे  लेती हो

तुमनारी हो और तुम्हारी ताकत का एहसास सभी को है  तुम टूटती नहीं हो तुम लड़ती रहती हो मुश्किलों से यह ज्ञात सभी को है पर फिर भी प्रहार सभी करते हैं वार सभी करते हैं हां तुम नारी हो तुम ढाल बनकर ही रहती हो

 दूसरोंकी कल्पना में तुम एक कमजोर सी नारी हो पर वास्तव में तुम एक वीर साहसी नारी हो तुम लड़ती रहती हो अपनी आजादी के लिए अपने सम्मान के लिए और अपनों
के लिए
जीवन में कई किरदार तुमने निभाए और अनगिनत संस्कार तुमने पाए
तुमने जन्म लेकर लक्ष्मी रूप पाया तो
कभी  सुभद्रा बन बहन का किरदार निभाया कभी सरस्वती तो कभी दुर्गा तो कभीमां भगवती का रूप पाया
 हर रूप को तुमने पूर्णतः निभाया
कैसेतुम इतने  किरदार को निभा लेती हो कैसे तुम हर रूप में ढल जाती हो कैसे तुम एक नन्ही बच्ची से एक समाजसेविका बन जाती हो हर नारी को शत-शत नमन जो हर परिस्थिति में झासी बन जाती है


Taking Care of Your Health Is Important

हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए नीचे स्क्रॉल करे |

People follow a different type of diet these days. People are busy and stressed, sparing no time to think about proper eating habits, exercise, and caring for their bodies correctly. When they get a bit healthy, they want a diet. Initially, when they want to be on a diet, they keep trying different diets to lose weight rather than finding the proper diet program or method by researching other diet plans or asking someone to suggest a good diet that would be appropriate for them.
They start by skipping a meal or eating improper food, which could result in weight gain or loss of nutrition. Everyone’s body type is different; therefore, everyone requires personalized diet plans. Some people may have such a body type, which allows them to eat all sorts of food and still not gain weight. On the other hand, some are fasting all the time and skipping meals, but still, end up gaining more weight. Improper way of diet can also lead to serious health issues, which can result in losing immunity, hormonal imbalance issues, difficulty producing vitamins naturally, etc.
Our body requires food as fuel to gain nutrition from proper food intake. We, on the other hand, choose large portions that contain the known ingredients, an unnatural way of preparing food with lots of sugar, food that is refined, and loads of fats and calories. The human body only requires 1900 calories per day to convert it into nutrition. Food that is treacherous another significant factor is the amount of food intake on daily basis. We should not intake more than what we can digest. You can have the same amount of food by dividing it into smaller portions and at different time frames, i.e. eating six times a day. Eating smaller portions would be an ideal way of intake 1900 calories, and remember to avoid fatty foods and replace them with vegetables and grains. This would be a better way to start a proper diet. Also, do not give up on the standard diet, so that your body is used to it. Just replacing sugar with some sort of substitute will help your diet tremendously.

Another important factor is to start exercising, this would tremendously aid in your weight process. Exercising will help reduce excessive calorie intake and it will provide more energy. daily exercise will help you to build your 10 minutes, as well as the muscle stones developing learned muscles from the training will use the fats store in the body when required and, it is an ideal way to lose weight. Also remember, never start the exercise with an intense routine, but just begin by walking for at least 40 minutes a day, this will help you tremendously. take a small amount of food at one time and divide your meal into small portions, which will also help you to reduce your weight.
following a diet and exercise routine will take a bit of time to get used to, but you will feel more energy and you will get what your body needs from food. just make sure that you will be eating in small portions a healthy food, not junk food or some sugary food that will also help with your health.

आज वजन को कम करने के लिए कई प्रयास किये जाते हे | हर व्यक्ति अपने आप को फिट देखना चाहता हे वो सही भी हे यदि स्वस्थ रहना हे तो हमें फिट रहना ही पड़ेगा अपनी बॉडी को मेंटेन करने के लिए आज कल कई प्रकार की डाइट प्रचलित हे जो सभी फ़ोलो करते हे कई बार ऐसा भी होता हे की कई प्रयास करने के बाद भी आप को रिजल्ट नहीं मिलते आप का वजन कम नहीं होता हे जब वजन कम नहीं होता तो हम फास्टिंग चालू कर देते हे फास्टिंग करने से हमारे शरीर में साइड इफेक्ट भी होते हे जो हमें बाद में पता चलता हे बॉडी में एसिड बनाने लगता हे हमारे हार्मोन्स इंबैलेंस होने लगते हे और कुछ विटामिन की भी डिफिशिएसी होने लगाती जो हमारे शरिर के लिए अच्छा नहीं हे सभी की शरीर की बनावट अलग होती हे या यु कहे की शरीर की तासीर अलग होती हे हम क्या खाते हे उस पर भी कई बार चीजे निर्भर करती हे हर व्यक्ति की शरीर की प्रकृति अलग होती हे हमें अपने शरीर के अनुसार डाइट करनी चाहिए मतलब की आप का वजन किन चीजों से घटता हे ये आप को देखना हे एक तरीका ये भी हे की आप फ़ूड खाये पर उसकी मात्रा कम करदे क्योंकी आप के बॉडी को ज्यादा फ़ूड की आवश्यकता नहीं होती एक स्माल फ़ूड अमाउंट भी आप की बॉडी के लिए इनफ होता हे हम कई सालो तक इतना फ़ूड लेते हे की हमारा फ़ूड इन्टेक बढ़ जाता हे और बाद में कण्ट्रोल करना मुश्किल होता हे यदि हम थोड़े अमाउंट में फ़ूड खाये और दिन में तीन चार छोटे छोटे मील ले तो आप को ज्यादा मुश्किल नहीं होगी शुरुवात में ये करना मुश्किल हो सकता हे पर धीरे धीरे आप को आदत हो जायेगी जब बॉडी से फैट्स कम होने लगेगा तो आपको अपने शरिर में स्फूर्ति फील होगी साथ में आप कुछ एक्सरसाइज भी करेंगे तो ज्यादा लाभ होंगे आप मेंटली भी एक्टिव रहेंगे आप ज्यादा कुछ न कर सके तो वाक जरूर करे उससे आप को ज्यादा लाभ मिलेगा आप की हैल्थ ही आप के लिए महत्वपूर्ण और उस का ध्यान भी आप को ही रखना हे